1. Three-day weekend coming up, woohoo! And then once next week is finished, I have a little two-week staycation/break from work scheduled so I can turn 30 in peace and get some much-needed down time. To say I'm looking forward to it would be an understatement. Anyone...
Bits & Pieces
I took a screen printing workshop this weekend. It was a stenciling method I hadn't tried before, and was a lot of fun. It wouldn't work for all of my designs, but for some it will be a much quicker way of making a screen. And I learned some tips about...
Bits & Pieces
I caught the boy's cold last week (and in fact still have it) so if you're wondering where I've been on the blog and Twitter, the answer is the couch. Or bed. Not much time spent on the computer the last few days. Or at the Gelato World Tour, as planned - SO bummed to...
Bits & Pieces
1. This past weekend the boy and I went to see a show called TITtalks. It was in the format of TED Talks, except all of the 'experts' were improv comedians and they had no idea before stepping on stage what topic & visual aids they would be assigned and have to do a...
Bits & Pieces
1. The quasi-in-laws are in town, which means last week's cleaning frenzy has been followed by lots of cooking, eating out, watching movies/TV, and checking out Austin things like Torchy's Tacos and the new aquarium - which is not great, but not terrible. It has lots...
Bits & Pieces
1. My shop has been accepted into Etsy's TAG Treasury Team... and it is intense, you guys. They have, like, rules and schedules for treasury-making and cross-promotion. But they are also a genuinely friendly and welcoming bunch. And I've seen views and favorites in my...
Bits & Pieces
1. I'm guest posting over at Lena's place today with simple ways to put good karma out there. Check it out. 2. I've thought of about a million other things to use yesterday's dip recipe with. Carrots. Crackers. Pretzels. On toast. On bagels. On French toast. With...
Bits & Pieces
1. I started the Beginner Sewing Series at Stitch Lab on Friday. We went over the basics of our machines (which was useful as refresher since I hadn't touched my machine in awhile), and learned how to make a drawstring bag. The also introduced me to an oh-so-handy...
Bits & Pieces
This month, I am (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. The prompt for today was a "life lately" post. 1. This weekend was a good weekend. Friday was just hanging out with the boy. Saturday we had people over for brunch in the morning (recipe coming...
Bits & Pieces
1. We head to Port Aransas and the beach tomorrow! And I'm super excited. Except... I made the mistake of checking the weather forecast: Boo!! I'm hoping those chance of rain percentages go down or are wrong and really mean 0. Because a beach vacation where it rains...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!