Cute video of the week: Snoring hummingbird. Art series of the week: Women Characters Redesigned by Women SFF Artists. Princess Peach is my favorite. Photo series of the week: 15 Photos Of People From All Over The World Next To How Much Food They Eat Per Day....
Tuesday Treasure Trove
AWESOME VIDEO OF THE WEEK: Jimmy Kimmel Gets Doctors to Tell Anti-Vaxxers What They Should Already Know. Art series of the week: Awesome Drawings on Photographs by Johan Thornqvist. Some cool products this week: This Vending Machine Takes Bottles And Gives Food To...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Video of the week: if you haven't already seen the Disney short Feast, watch it now. It's super adorable, and just won an Oscar. Photo series of the week: Fairytales Come To Life In Magical Photos By Russian Photographer Margarita Kareva. Tree Created by Artist Grows...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Thought-provoking video of the week: What Comes After Religion? Awesome video of the week: NASA took one snap shot of the sun every 8 hours for 5 years -- and THIS is how it turned out. Where does earth end and space begin? Crows Understand Analogies How One Stupid...
5 Things Friday
1. The boy (fiancé!) and I had a walkthrough at our wedding venue with their coordinator yesterday, and picked out which areas of the Villa we're going to use for our ceremony and reception. Verdict: outdoor ceremony on the Lakeview Terrace, indoor reception in the...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Cool sculpture series of the week: What Flowers Look Like Suspended In Massive Blocks Of Ice. Check out this reimagined cover of a sci-fi classic. Let’s Do a Literary Version of ‘Chopped’. More entertaining that it probably should be. 🙂 How A Flexible Work Culture...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Well that’s a whopper of a list for you guys this week. There’s some good stuff there, though, so wade on in.
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Video of the week: Weird Things All Dog Owners Do. Hahaha, this is pretty spot on. 35 Tumblr Posts That’ll Make You Reevaluate Your Entire Existence. This was hilarious. Emma Watson Cast as Belle in Live-Action 'Beauty and the Beast'. I do like Emma Watson, but I'm...
Taking Stock
Taking a page from Pip's book and using this list to do a life snapshot. Making: plans. And spreadsheets. Wedding planning is no cakewalk, people (ba-dum-ching). Cooking: nothing lately. We've been living on frozen meals and take-out. Drinking: french vanilla...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Fun quiz of the week: What Kind of D&D Character Would You Be? I got True Neutral Human Ranger/Rogue. I'm ok with that. Infographic of the week: Apocalypse when? Infographic guide to Doomsday threats. You Are Not Late. “In terms of the internet, nothing has happened...
Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!