I've been working on my sewing skills, and here's proof! I went to Goodwill back in January and snagged a few items specifically for the purpose of altering and working on my sewing skills. This was the first of those to be complete. I really liked the print, and it...
What I Wore: Cowl Me Maybe
I'm not sure you guys realize how much I can crack myself up sometimes thinking of titles for outfit posts (alternate option was My Longhorn is Showing, but that sounded dirty). 🙂 Anywho, this is what I wore yesterday. It's been hovering around 60 this week, but...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Video of the week: Lessons in Trust from a Dog and a Cat. Watch the whole thing. Amie brought up an ongoing issue last week: Get Real: Graphic Design, Trademark Infringement & Art Prints. Some other reads on this subject: lawyers chime in, and Copyright vs. Trademark...
Right Now
Right now, I am... doing laundry while catching up on replying to blog comments and also working on my dining passport. thinking that I'll use said dining passport to pick somewhere new for us to go on date night this week. really happy to have gotten a big ol'...
Book Review: Something Borrowed
Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin This was the February pick for the Blogger Book Club. I'd already seen the movie and had been 'meh' about it, so I hoped when this pick was announced that the book would be better. But it was also a solid 'meh'. And there are some...
Pinterest Challenge
Janssen over at Everyday Reading (along with her sisters) instituted a Pinterest Challenge earlier this week, and I'm jumping on board. The idea is to pick 6 things from all of your many boards and pins, and actually DO them over the next 6 weeks. (and blog about it,...
Guest Recipe: Strawberry Pie
Today's post comes from Carly, one of my wonderful sponsors this month. Check out her tasty recipe below, and then go say hi! Hi, I'm Carly! And it's that time of year here in Florida: strawberry season! Pie Ingredients 6 cups fresh strawberries...
What I Wore: Valentine’s Day
This is what I wore last week for Valentine's Day. Holiday appropriate color scheme, no? 🙂 We don't usually make a big deal out of Valentine's Day, but this year it was kind of a week-long celebration. The Sunday previous, Ian had surprised me with tickets to see The...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
An interesting experiment in emotive fashion: This dress turns see-thru when you’re excited. How do you get someone to lose interest in their hobby? Pay them to do it. Relax! You’ll Be More Productive. Paradoxically, the best way to get more done may be to spend more...
February Jewelry
Time for my monthly jewelry/pretty things round-up! Obviously, this month is February, and I'm really wishing I had been born this month because I love me some purple, and it would be an excuse to buy/wear some of these lovely pieces. 😀 Featuring February's...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!