Janssen over at Everyday Reading (along with her sisters) instituted a Pinterest Challenge earlier this week, and I'm jumping on board. The idea is to pick 6 things from all of your many boards and pins, and actually DO them over the next 6 weeks. (and blog about it,...
Happy Weekend
Blogging kind of got away from me this week. I've been a bit frazzled and generally overwhelmed most of this week. So instead of a real post today, I leave you with this picture of my adorable dog and wish you a happy weekend: Here's hoping I'll be back to my A-game...
5 Things Friday
1. Lately I've been marathoning my way through the show Alias on Netflix, on the boy's recommendation. And overall, I quite like it. I'm currently in season 3. Season 1 was awesome and got me hooked, and season 2 was mostly more of the same goodness. But right at the...
Right Now
Right now, I am... procrastinating on doing work. Not because any of my projects are all that hard or have headache-inducing clients, but because I am just tired. about to do my leg workout for the week. Yeah. The procrastination is so bad that exercise looks good in...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Well, this is disturbing: House GOP lets the Violence Against Women Act expire for first time since 1994. Unleash Your Inner Bookworm in 2013. Casee gives some tips for anyone wanting to get back in the reading game. The When-to-Wash-It Handbook: Winter Edition. Great...
New Quatrefoil Products
Just a quick note to let you all know that my latest screen design, the quatrefoil / four-leaf clover, is now live in the shop. See a few of the items below, and watch for more in the coming two weeks! I'll also be doing a larger version of this same design later this...
Sunday Confessions
Linking up with Alyx. 1. I don't understand places that don't let you leave a tip on a gift card if the whole meal/whatever is covered by it. I think that's a silly rule. And it's like paying with a different sort of credit card, so why wouldn't you be able to? Who...
2012 in Review
I thought it'd be fun to do a little review of things that have happened on this here blog over the past year and see what's what. I don't generally pay too much attention to my pageview stats, so some of the selections for the most popular posts were a bit...
5 Things Friday
1. So the evening of Christmas Day saw us take a trip to the emergency room because Ian was having severe pain in his ear and jaw - meds weren't helping and it was getting steadily worse. This is the guy who doesn't really like to go the doctor, so the fact...
Right Now
Right now, I am... feeling accomplished because I put together a succulent terrarium that is a Christmas gift for someone, and it looks fabulous. Now I just need to not somehow kill it for the next week. trying to be quiet because Ian is sleeping. He's working night...
Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!