1. In October, after my name change and all, I re-launched my design business with a new focus and new name. It's Studio Guerassio, and I focus on design & branding for the lifestyle sector (food & drink, writers, artists & makers, culture, events, balance &...
Thoughts That Keep Me Up At Night
If you've been around the blog for awhile (or Twitter) you've probably caught a mention of my insomnia. I wage an ongoing battle against sleep. And most nights, I win. I've figured out enough methods and tricks by now that it's usually enough. But not always. Some...
Bits & Pieces
1. The quasi-in-laws are in town, which means last week's cleaning frenzy has been followed by lots of cooking, eating out, watching movies/TV, and checking out Austin things like Torchy's Tacos and the new aquarium - which is not great, but not terrible. It has lots...
5 Things Friday
1. I'm a beta tester for a new stock image site, and it's awesome. (and also sekrit, sorry) So if you've noticed new header images on regular post series (Bits & Pieces, TTT, this), that is why. And I have more lined up. Bwahahaha endless photos. Sidenote: I actually...
Bits & Pieces
1. The wall decals I ordered came today! They were a pain to peel off their backing without pieces getting stuck to each other. But actually putting on the wall was easy, and I love how it turned out! This is our loft upstairs, kind of right outside my office. We...
Sunday Confessions
Linking up with Alyx. 1. Sometimes I will bookmark an item in a 'Shopping' folder in my bookmarks instead of pinning to Pinterest because I don't want anyone else to snatch it up before I can. 2. I'm really glad Elena got eliminated from Project Runway. She was...
Bits & Pieces
1. It's October, which means new sponsors (check them out in the sidebar) and lots of awesome things but mostly: it's my birthday month! It should be good times here on the blog. I sat down with my planner yesterday and plotted out some fun stuff, and started thinking...
So, I attempted a new screen-making method for the elephant design, using the photo emulsion kit my sister got me for my birthday last year. And I thought it worked beautifully, until I went to print. And got this: Super bummer. It may be that I just...
Random Sunday Ramblings
All this past week, despite intermittent rain showers, it remained near 70 degrees outside. I was planning with glee the outfit post I was going to shoot this Sunday, featuring a very cute dress. And then today, it is only 45 degrees out. I know, I know, for most of...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!